Postpartum Support International Blog
March 8, 2016

I felt beautiful during my pregnancy. Labor seemed like it would be just another part of the lovely experience. “I’m an educated woman. I’ve taken a Lamaze class. I’ll be fine!”

The only problem was that I had no one who could really talk to me about what it would feel like. I had no idea what to expect even though I had read the book! I went into labor wholly unprepared. Because my labor was very complicated, the pain and the experience traumatized me in ways that I am still processing some 13 years later. There were also physical aftereffects.

And emotional aftereffects as well. The moment my son was born I knew something was terribly wrong. I didn’t feel any of the fuzzy, blissful feelings I had imagined or read about having. Instead, my first thought was, “Just leave me alone.” I was so beat up, exhausted, and overwhelmed. My husband was the first one to hold our son.

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